
This whitepaper and the products it describes are constantly being updated and is being provided on an AS-IS basis. No warranties or representations are made to the reader of this whitepaper its advisers, or to any holders, purchasers or sellers of ANGEL Tokens. ANGEL Tokens and the Openspark Ecosystem, as envisaged in this whitepaper, are under development and are being constantly updated. Current and future developments may affect the functionality of ANGEL Tokens and the Openspark Ecosystem, such that they differ, possibly to the point of bearing zero resemblance, from the description set out in this whitepaper. No representation or warranty is given as to the technical feasibility, achievement, or reasonableness of any plans, future projections, or prospects. To the fullest extent possible, all liability for any loss or damage arising from any person acting on any information and opinions contained in this whitepaper is disclaimed.

This whitepaper does not constitute a solicitation or an offer to acquire, maintain, sell or buy any security, capital markets product, commodity, investment product, or financial instrument. ANGEL Tokens are not securities in Openspark Pte Ltd ("Angel.ai"), nor do they convey any ownership or voting rights in relation to any of Openspark's affiliates, subsidiaries, or any of its products.

ANGEL Tokens represent a utility token, the purpose of which is to unlock functionality in the Openspark Ecosystem. ANGEL Tokens do not grant the holder any direct or indirect, legal or beneficial interests in any portion of the Openspark Ecosystem.

This whitepaper should not be relied upon for decisions relating to the purchase or sale of ANGEL Tokens, nor does it constitute financial, trading, or investment advice or recommendations by Openspark Pte Ltd., its affiliates, officers, directors, managers, employees, agents, advisors, or consultants.

Any statements of the regulatory position of ANGEL Token are subject to change, whether due to changes in law, in the opinions of relevant regulators, or because jurisdictions choose to apply existing regulations on, or introduce new regulations addressing inter alia blockchain technology, which affect the ANGEL Token and Openspark Ecosystem.

References in this whitepaper pertaining to specific networks, companies, or use cases are for illustrative purposes only. The use of any network or company name does not imply any endorsement of/by, or affiliation with the said parties. All graphics included in this white paper are for illustrative purposes only.

Purchasing ANGEL Tokens involves substantial risk, which may lead to a complete loss of capital. In the event that any party would like to purchase such tokens, said party should take into account the risks, including those listed in any other documentation. The purchaser should not purchase the tokens for speculative or investment purposes, and should only do so if they fully understand the nature of the tokens and accept the risks inherent to them.

You should not transact in the ANGEL Tokens if you are not familiar with the ANGEL Tokens and the Openspark Ecosystem. Transacting in ANGEL Tokens may not be suitable for you if you are not familiar with the technology underpinning the ANGEL Tokens and the Openspark Ecosystem.

You should be aware that the value of ANGEL Tokens may fluctuate greatly. You should buy ANGEL Tokens only if you are prepared to accept the risk of losing all of the money you put into such tokens. ANGEL Token holders have no rights to require the issuer to redeem their tokens at any value or at any time. The value of the token will fluctuate, perhaps significantly over short periods of time, in accordance with various market forces and parameters, technical advancements, economic and political factors, and is not guaranteed by Openspark or its affiliates in any way.

Any party who wishes to purchase and/or hold ANGEL Tokens must ensure that appropriate precautions are taken to secure their funds. As with other technological solutions, ANGEL Tokens may be a prime target subject to exploitation, expropriation and/or theft. Hackers or other malicious groups or organisations may attempt to interfere with our systems or the Ethereum Smart Chain in various ways, including malware, consensus, sybil, phishing, smurfing, and/ or denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. There may also be attempts to remove the party’s access or control over their cryptographic functions via spoofing and smurfing hacks. Should such an event occur, Openspark Pte Ltd. and its affiliates do not guarantee a remedy, and holders of ANGEL Tokens are not guaranteed any remedy, refund, or compensation.

Any party who purchases and/or holds ANGEL Tokens is responsible for their adherence to their local and foreign laws. Openspark Pte Ltd. and its affiliates shall not be held responsible for any loss or damages in the event that any such parties violate such laws.

The tax treatment and accounting of ANGEL Tokens is uncertain and may vary amongst jurisdictions. Holders of ANGEL Tokens must seek independent tax advice in connection with ANGEL Tokens, which may result in adverse tax consequences.

Cryptographic tokens such as ANGEL Tokens are a new and relatively untested technology. In addition to the risks noted above, there are other risks associated with ANGEL Tokens that Openspark and its affiliates cannot anticipate. Such risks may further materialise as unanticipated variations or combinations of the risks set out herein.

ANGEL Tokens rely on the Ethereum Blockchain, the functionality and features of which are under constant development and refinement. Versions of the Ethereum Blockchain, including the current version as of the dissemination of this whitepaper, may not be fit for purpose. Any malfunction, flaws, breakdown, or abandonment of the Ethereum Blockchain may have a materially adverse effect on ANGEL Tokens. Furthermore, developments in cryptographic technologies and techniques or changes in consensus protocol or algorithms could present risks to ANGEL Tokens. There are a variety of possible cryptographic consensus mechanisms, such as “proof of work” and “proof of stake” which may be used either now or in the future, and risks which may arise

if there is any improper implementation of such consensus mechanisms, and unanticipated adverse effects that may arise from these such consensus mechanisms.

Last updated